DOT Updates Capital Plan, Seeks Feedback

Following passage of the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act last year, the Connecticut Department of Transportation recently updated its five-year capital plan for fiscal years 2023-2027.
DOT has invited the business community to provide input and feedback at a virtual public information session Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 7 pm.
Employers can register and submit questions for the session and also provide comments.
Connecticut will receive approximately $5.38 billion in federal transportation funding over the next five years, an increase of $1.6 billion over previously authorized levels.
The funding includes:
- $3.29 billion to repair roads, accelerate projects, and reduce traffic congestion
- $1.3 billion to enhance public transportation
- $561 million to repair the state’s aging bridges
- $100 million for broadband coverage
- $53 million for electric vehicle charging networks
The capital plan outlines the use of more than $4.1 billion over five years in federal highway formula funding for highways and bridges, as well as $1.3 billion over five years for public transit.
The plan also provides information on how DOT will roll out the new National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program, the Bridge Replacement Program, the Carbon Reduction Program, rail initiatives and expansions, transit improvements, and more.
DOT also recently released a new interactive map with active project information, as well as a detailed capital plan project list.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Wyatt Bosworth (860.244.1155) | @WyattBosworthCT
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