State Releases Comprehensive Cybersecurity Plan

In a call to address growing threats, Connecticut has released its first-ever Cybersecurity Action Plan.
The document outlines several priorities, including more extensive security in state government agencies, the General Assembly, and the judicial branch as well as the creation of municipal cyber defenses and sharing of regional resources.
Applying the seven principles developed in a previously-released Cybersecurity Strategy, the plan now features action items for Connecticut residents, organizations, government agencies, and businesses.
The plan calls for active engagement with the business community to encourage risk assessment and security, to protect businesses from the damages inflicted by a cyberattack, and to help give Connecticut businesses a competitive edge.
Connecticut’s goal is to “work with its business community through active collaboration to accomplish as much as possible before formal processes and legislation prove necessary.
“Two key results of collaborating can be increased security and lessons learned regarding what works and what does not.”
According to the document, every company should recognize its threat environment and have a serious, effective cybersecurity program.
The state is asking for the business community to be an active partner in Connecticut’s cybersecurity efforts.
In addition to helping organizations and government entities plan for cyber threats, the document also calls for increased academic attention to the many effects of cyber compromise on society and action to prepare more graduates to meet the gap of unfilled cybersecurity jobs in Connecticut.
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