Electric Boat Leverages Additive Manufacturing Technology

Groton-based General Dynamics Electric Boat is pursuing opportunities to integrate additive manufacturing technology into the shipbuilding process.
The company this week announced a collaboration with HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division to leverage 3-D printing for component manufacturing.
The companies are exploring the use of marine-based alloys, including copper-nickel, as alternatives for traditional copper-nickel castings.
“Our submarine design and engineering teams are focused on working with our supply and construction partners to speed the adoption of innovative technologies,” said Megan Roberts, vice president of quality, waterfront engineering, radiological controls and fleet support for Electric Boat.
Electric Boat officials expect to incorporate 3-D printed components into the construction stream, leading to cost savings and streamlined construction schedules.
“These first efforts to install additive-manufactured parts on submarines demonstrate the technology’s potential to dramatically reduce lead times for critical components, which will enable us to deliver more submarines faster, supporting the Navy’s fleet demands.”
A copper-nickel deck drain assembly was identified as an early candidate for a 3-D printing solution.
NNS and Electric Boat worked with supplier AMMCON on a model and proof of concept and created the deck drain part.
AMMCON is providing final machining and assembly and the part will be installed on the Virginia-class submarine Oklahoma.
Electric Boat officials expect to incorporate additive-manufactured components into the construction stream, leading to cost savings and streamlined construction schedules.
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