You Can’t Spend What You Don’t Have’

What do voters think about Connecticut’s budget crisis?
We asked them, and their responses–featured in CBIA’s new statewide radio ad campaign–show growing frustration with Connecticut lawmakers’ inability to resolve the state’s fiscal issues.
Their message is clear.
Taxing our way out of our fiscal problems hasn’t worked.
And without long-term, urgently needed spending reforms, our state faces an uncertain future.
They want Connecticut state lawmakers to work together, Democrats and Republicans, and act now to reform government spending.
That means no tax hikes, now or after the November elections.
Connecticut residents are experiencing first hand the impact tax increases have on job creation and economic growth.
They’re tired of not getting a good return on their tax dollars and want a more efficient, effective, and affordable state government.
And they know that if lawmakers fail to end the state’s cycle of budget deficits followed by tax hikes followed by deficits, it will be next to impossible to keep jobs, businesses, and families here.
Opinion polls are seeing similar sentiments.
A Quinnipiac University Poll released this week revealed that jobs and the economy was the top priority for Connecticut voters–regardless of their political affiliation.
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