Fatal Intersection Crashes Declining
A study released by the National Safety Council (NSC) reports that from 2005 to 2009, fatal crashes at intersections with traffic lights decreased by 17% and fatal crashes at intersections involving red light running decreased by 27%.
The study analyzed fatal crash data in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, using statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The nation is making great strides in reducing crashes at intersections, says the NSC. But there were still 12,396 fatal crashes at intersections with traffic lights during that five year time period.
For more survey results: www.nsc.org/Pages/IntersectionFatalitiesDeclining.aspx
For tips on how employers can help employees drive safely: www.nsc.org/safety_road/Employer%20Traffic%20Safety/Pages/NationalHome.aspx
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