Workforce Event: Hiring the Formerly Incarcerated

Join Connecticut employers and community leaders October 7 to learn how your company can address its workforce needs by hiring formerly incarcerated people.
Yariela Kerr-Donovan from John Hopkins Hospital, one of the country’s largest employers of returning citizens, is the event’s keynote speaker.
The One Million Jobs Campaign reception, hosted by the NAACP, takes place at Southern Connecticut State University’s Student Center, 345 Fitch St, New Haven Monday, October 7 at 1 pm.
Connecticut is a pilot state for the NAACP’s national campaign, with a goal of hiring 10,000 formerly incarcerated individuals in the state over the next three years .
Other partner organizations include the Connecticut Manufacturers’ Collaborative, the Connecticut General Assembly’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus, the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, Connecticut Hospital Association, and the Department of Economic and Community Development.
Manufacturers and other employers wanting to attend should contact the Connecticut NAACP at 860.523.9962.
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