These Three Reforms Can Help Stabilize State’s Finances

Frustrated by yet another budget gap for this fiscal year and facing far bigger challenges in the next two years, Connecticut lawmakers are looking for ways to stabilize state finances.
Three areas of sustainable reforms are in fact now being considered for possible action this year.
Some key lawmakers, led by Rep. Mary Mushinsky (D-Wallingford), are promoting spending reforms of some of the state’s largest budget cost lines—information technology, long-term healthcare, and social services programs—to improve services and reduce costs.
The ideas are based on the recommendations of the nonpartisan Connecticut Institute for the 21st Century, which has studied the best and most practical reforms of state spending.
If acted upon now, these reforms could start getting Connecticut off the rollercoaster of deficits and tax increases and into a new era of financial stability.
Long-Term Supports
One potential proposal would help the state re-balance long term support services (such as long term healthcare) to 75% home-based care and 25% institutional care.
This actually would accelerate what is already taking place in Connecticut—and could save $600 million by 2020, according to the institute’s recommendations.
IT Systems
Another proposal would provide centralized direction and control of state IT services.
If Connecticut is going to reach its enormous economic potential, state government must prove it can manage its finances in a sustainable way.
Businesses that have transitioned to the cloud have saved an average 23% in data storage.
Another idea would help the state provide better care for children or young adults with developmental disabilities by expanding the use of private nonprofit providers.
Connecticut’s qualified nonprofits have the specific expertise and experience to provide specialized services.
And most nonprofit services are delivered at substantial cost savings of up to 50% versus services provided by the state.
Long-Term Spending Reforms
These three reforms are just a few of the many that Connecticut businesses, along with CT21, have long advocated as long-term solutions to the state’s persistent fiscal troubles.
CBIA and its member companies have made it clear for years that if the state is going to reach its enormous economic potential, state government must prove it can manage its finances in a sustainable way.
Doing so will give businesses the confidence to remain in Connecticut and expand and grow jobs.
And more investment and well-paying jobs will generate the revenue necessary to underwrite core state services, such as education and transportation, that families rely on.
CBIA urges Connecticut state lawmakers to adopt these proposed reforms to help get the state off the rollercoaster and onto more stable fiscal ground.
For more information contact CBIA’s Louise DiCocco (203.589.6515) | @LouiseDiCocco
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