Clearing the Air: State’s Businesses Lead the Way

A new report from the state’s Council on Environmental Quality shows some pretty good trends in Connecticut’s efforts to clean up its air and water.
Despite a very long, hot summer last year, Connecticut’s air quality “was the best in decades — the fourth record-breaking year in a row,” says the CEQ. Here’s the impressive trend line
Not surprisingly, electricity use continues to rise, but “For two years in a row, Connecticut businesses have used electricity more efficiently to produce goods and services.” Look at the At Work chart on this page.
Facing huge energy costs and tough economic conditions, CT businesses are leading the state in making the most efficient use possible of energy.
Pollution in Long Island Sound continues to drop off and the DEP last year saw a big jump in areas of the Sound with “adequate oxygen levels.”
The CEQ notes that compliance with environmental regulations was down slightly last year, the first time since 2005. There are lots of reasons for that decline—including more regulations, but one thing continues to stand out: Businesses are looking for help from state government in attaining compliance.
A bill spearheaded by CBIA last year requires the DEP to implement a consulting-type compliance assistance program and the agency is moving forward on that initiative.
To his credit, new DEP Commissioner Dan Esty says that he wants to work more closely with the business community to improve the environment and promote Connecticut’s economy. – Eric Brown
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