OSHA, Connecticut Companies Form Strategic Partnership
OSHA and the Connecticut Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Division, New Haven Building Trades, and Dimeo Construction Company, have established a strategic partnership to promote workplace safety and health, and educate employees on construction hazards during construction of a new science building in New Haven.
The project is a five-story, 282,000-square-foot science building expected to be completed in 2019.
The partnership aims to reduce injury and illness rates; implement an effective safety and health program; conduct self-inspections; train contractors on hazard identification techniques; and support OSHA safety and health campaigns and initiatives.
“Our partnership with Dimeo Construction and the New Haven Building Trades demonstrates the positive impact a comprehensive safety and health program can have when management and labor come together to ensure employee safety in a high-hazard work environment,” says acting OSHA Bridgeport Area Office Director Steven Biasi.
Through its Strategic Partnership Program, OSHA works with employers, employees, professional and trade associations, labor organizations, and other interested stakeholders to establish specific goals, strategies, and performance measures to improve worker safety and health.
OSHA Renews Alliance with Women in Construction
OSHA has also renewed an alliance with the National Association of Women in Construction to continue promoting safe and healthful working conditions for female construction workers.
Women represent a small, but growing segment of the construction workforce.
"Women represent a small, but growing segment of the construction workforce," says deputy assistant secretary of labor Loren Sweatt.
"OSHA's renewed alliance with NAWIC will continue to promote innovative solutions to safety and health hazards unique to female construction workers."
Alliance participants will share with employers and workers information on recognizing and preventing workplace hazards in construction, as well as information on OSHA campaigns, including the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction; Heat Illness Prevention; and the Safe + Sound Campaign for Safety and Health Programs.
NAWIC, formed in 1955, provides educational and professional development opportunities to more than 4,000 women working in construction.
The OSHA Alliance Program fosters collaborative relationships with groups committed to worker safety and health.
Alliance partners help OSHA reach targeted audiences, such as employers and workers in high-hazard industries, giving them better access to workplace safety and health tools and information.
In February, CBIA and OSHA signed a two-year agreement to provide CBIA members and others with occupational safety information, guidance, and training. For more information, contact CBIA's Phillip Montgomery (860.244.1982).
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