Drive Change, Grow, and Prosper.
Join CBIA.
If you do business in Connecticut, you’ll benefit from being a CBIA member. We’ll connect you with a wealth of business resources and benefits, saving you time and money. And, you’ll be part of the solution, helping drive job creation, economic growth, a fiscally responsible state government, and a more competitive business climate.
Membership Benefits
Whether you’re running a small business or a large corporation, you need partnerships to help you succeed. Thousands of companies join CBIA for the valuable services, resources, and benefits that help them make the most of their time and money. Learn about the resources you can gain by becoming a member of CBIA.
Ready to join forces with CBIA?
Access Business-Critical Resources
Take your business to the next level with the support of CBIA. Membership provides your business the tools it needs to continue on its successful path. Now is the time to work together to advocate for our state and to make the most of your time and money.
What Does Membership Cost?
CBIA membership provides a great return on investment. Our members get value in many ways including advocacy, free services, training, professional development, and more.
See what you’ll pay to receive all of these great benefits.
Member News
Questions? Connect With Our Team
If you are curious about how membership can help support your business and drive savings straight to your bottom line, get in touch with us. We will share all the details about the discounts that await.
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