Businesses Call for ‘Bold Action’ to Move State in Right Direction
As Gov. Malloy and state lawmakers work to plug this year’s $220 million budget gap and prepare the state for some more serious belt-tightening ahead, Connecticut’s business community is urging them to think and act boldly.
“Without immediate changes, without urgently needed reforms,” said CBIA and more than 60 other Connecticut business organizations in full-page ads running in 16 daily newspapers this week, “we face an uncertain future.”
It’s time for lawmakers, according to the ad, to “send a clear message that Connecticut is changing the way it does business, that we will compete aggressively with the rest of the country and the world.”
Employers want the state to “bring state spending under control and make government operate quicker, leaner, smarter, [and] more efficiently …”
Without immediate changes, without urgently needed reforms, Connecticut faces an uncertain future.
Businesses also want to see bipartisan solutions, Republican and Democrat state lawmakers working together and acting "with urgency and courage."
Ultimately, the goal is to "develop a climate that keeps jobs and families here and gives businesses—small and large—the confidence to invest and grow in Connecticut."
Papers running the ad included the Bristol Press, Connecticut Post, Danbury News Times, Greenwich Time, Hartford Courant, Manchester Journal Inquirer, Meriden Record-Journal, Middletown Press, New Britain Herald, New Haven Register, New London Day, Norwalk Hour, Norwich Bulletin, Stamford Advocate, Torrington Register Citizen, and the Waterbury Republican-American.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Bonnie Stewart (860.944.8788) | @CBIAbonnie
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