Educator Certification Reform Gains Unanimous House Approval

The state House of Representatives unanimously passed a long-awaited educator certification reform bill May 2.
HB 5436 makes transformative updates to the current educator certification and preparation process, which has not been significantly modified in nearly 30 years.
The bill includes multiple provisions pushed by education and trades industry advocates to simplify the process for aspiring and existing educators to get certified, receive cross-endorsements, and utilize alternative pathways to certification.
Major components of the bill include:
- Simplifies the steps required to receive an initial education certification for those going through an alternative route to certification
- Establishes new criteria for professional certification, include permitting an alternate pathway to professional licensure instead of the master’s degree requirement
- Broadens grades covered by certain endorsements
- Simplifies the process for certified teachers to gain cross-endorsements
- Repeals numerous state regulations for educator certification and preparation programs
- Creates the Connecticut Educator Preparation and Certification Board
- Makes changes to certain alternative routes to certification
Streamlined Certification
Since the the bill cleared the Education Committee in March, CBIA worked with leadership of both parties to add language that streamlines the process for aspiring educators with trades industry experience to get into classrooms in tech and comprehensive high schools in a more time effective manner.
In addition, CBIA’s educational and workforce affiliate, ReadyCT, was appointed to the newly established Connecticut Educator Preparation and Certification Board, which will review current certification measures and make recommendations for updating the process.
“CBIA was proud to work with House leadership from both parties to ensure aspiring educators with trades industry experience can get certified and into tech and comprehensive high school classrooms to help educate the next generation of our workforce,” said CBIA’s Paul Amarone.
“With the inclusion of ReadyCT on the Connecticut Educator Preparation and Certification Board, the business community will have a voice in future recommendations, and we’re thankful for the work of committee co-chair Rep. Jeff Currey and ranking member Rep. Kathleen McCarty.”
The bill now awaits action in the state Senate.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Paul Amarone (860.244.1978).
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