DECD Opens New Brownfield Remediation Funding

The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development announced the latest round of brownfield remediation and development funding July 26.
DECD is making a total of $25 million in grants and loans available in this round, with applications due no later than noon Sept. 22, 2023.
Funding awards will be announced in December 2023 with fund distribution pending approval by the State Bond Commission.
Funds are available for the following programs:
- Municipal Grant Program: Remediation and Limited-Assessment (maximum $4 million)
- Municipal Grant Program: Assessment-Only (maximum $200,000 or $500,000 for land banks/COGs)
- Targeted Brownfield Development Loan Program (maximum $4 million)
Additional funding is also available through the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act’s Brownfield Grant Program.
Round one of that program features $485,000 in grants available to municipalities and nonprofit organizations for assessment and cleanup proposals.
Questions can be emailed to or by calling 860.500.2395 through Aug. 23, 2023.
DECD is also hosting the following virtual presentations and question and answer sessions:
- Aug. 9, 2023, 9-10 am: What’s New in Round 18
- Aug. 23, 2023, 9-10 am: Application Form Budget Tables
- Sept. 6, 2023, 9-10 am: Public-Private Partnerships
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