Senate Passes Manufacturing Technology Bill

The Connecticut state Senate approved legislation creating a working group to drive a coordinated statewide manufacturing technology.
The Senate unanimously passed SB 1021, which addresses technology adoption and transition issues for the state’s critical manufacturing sector.
Led by CBIA affiliate CONNSTEP, the working group will be charged with developing a plan to ensure that manufacturers in the state have a strategy for the lean application and integration of Industry 4.0 technologies into their product development and production processes.
The group will conduct value-stream mapping and collect profiles for all entities receiving state or federal funding to assist manufacturing startups as well as small to mid-sized manufacturers.
In addition to CONNSTEP, the working group will be made up of a representative from the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, members of the manufacturing sector, CTNext, representatives of the higher education system, and a representative from the Connecticut Manufacturers’ Collaborative.
The working group will host their first meeting no later than Aug. 31, 2021 and report their findings to the legislature’s Commerce Committee by March 15, 2022.
CBIA supports this bill as it seeks to expeditiously untangle the current web of confusion and uncertainty surrounding the use of advanced technology resources while creating a coordinated, statewide and customer-focused technology ecosystem.
SB 1021 will be sent to the state House for action.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Ashley Zane (860.244.1169) | @AshleyZane9.
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