Do Employees Overestimate Their Productivity?
A survey released today by Workfront and conducted by Harris Poll among more than 600 employed adults found that 81% of office workers rate themselves as among the most productive in their office—rating themselves above their direct reports (62%), their coworkers (55%), and their managers (53%).
The survey was conducted online in July 2015 among 617 employed adults who work at a company with 500 or more employees and work on a computer and collaborate with other people.
The survey also uncovers that 90% of office workers say they experience conflict with other departments/groups/teams, up from 80% in 2014.
Lack of communication/miscommunication (33%) and conflicting priorities (23%) are the two biggest reasons for cross-team conflict.
Lost productivity is the biggest casualty of cross-team conflict (36%), followed by low morale/high turnover (22%).
Other findings from the 2015 State of Work Report include:
- When does the week end? Eighty-two percent of office workers log into work/work email before or after standard business hours, and more than half (52%) do so every day during a typical workweek. Nearly three-fourths (72%) log into work/work email on the weekends and 39% do so every weekend.
- Reasons to always be on the clock. Office workers who log into work/work email outside standard business hours do so primarily to get ahead of their work (52%) or because they feel they have too much work to do (39%). A quarter (25%) of office workers feel that this is expected at their company. Nearly 10% state they do it to look more dedicated than their colleagues.
- Unnecessary distractions. The vast majority (89%) of office workers say one or more factors get in the way of their work. More specifically, top offenders are “wasteful” meetings (57%), excessive emails (40%), unexpected phone calls (37%), and excessive oversight (35%).
While the picture looks bleak, not all is bad in the world of work because office workers are feeling the love, with 91% stating they feel at least one person at work “has my back.” Office workers are also feeling empowered at work (78%) and that their boss listens to them (87%).
Additionally, most office workers feel that technology helps to improve their productivity.
More than 9 in 10 office workers who access work from anywhere (94%) say it has a positive impact on their productivity, as do roughly 8 in 10 of those who use mobile devices (82%) or project management software (79%) for work.
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