MSHA Releases Big Branch Transcripts
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has released 25 transcripts of witness interviews from the investigation of the Upper Big Branch Mine explosion that occurred last year.
The transcripts are from interviews covering mine rescue and recovery activities immediately following the blast. They represent the first set in a series of transcripts that MSHA plans to release over the coming months.
The first team underground consisted of members of Massey Energy’s rescue team followed by state and MSHA rescue team members. The transcripts are from interviews with five Massey’s employees who participated in rescue activities and 10 mine rescuers from MSHA and the West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training.
The transcripts describe how the rescuers were called to the Upper Big Branch Mine following the explosion, as well as their activities underground while searching for the missing miners, establishing communications with the surface, and ultimately recovering the 29 victims. While the interviews address those hours and days spent in rescue and recovery efforts, some reflect additional information.
To view the transcripts:
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