New Guide Available on Breastfeeding Laws
The State of Connecticut and breastfeeding advocates are offering a new resource to help businesses, employees, and parents understand and comply with Connecticut’s breastfeeding workplace and accommodation laws.
Connecticut law allows mothers to breastfeed their babies in public places and the workplace. The law also protects employed mothers’ rights to express milk during the workday.
The guide answers frequently asked questions such as “Does an employer need to provide a special room or space for an employee who wants to breastfeed or express milk at work?” and “Why can’t the mother cover the baby when nursing?” It also details what recourse a woman has when she believes her rights to breastfeed have been violated under the law.
According to state health officials, one of the most highly effective preventive measures a mother can take to protect the health of her infant and herself is to breastfeed.
Most people want mothers and infants to be healthy, but not all understand the connection between breastfeeding and improved health outcomes, says the Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition. Taking steps to remove barriers for breastfeeding mothers and their children is a win-win situation for everyone.
The guide is available online or by calling 860.509.8261.
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