OSHA, CONN-OSHA Spring 2023 Events
HR & Safety
OSHA’s New England Roundtable Series has scheduled the following no-cost training events as part of its Breakfast Roundtable Discussion Group.
Means and Egress/Exits
- March 15
- 9-10:15 am
- Presented by Robert Hunt, Occupational Safety Training Specialist, CONN-OSHA
- An introduction to the requirements of 29 CFR 191O, Subpart L Fire Protection, and Subpart E means of Egress.
- Register
Mold Awareness
- March 22
- 9-10:15 am
- Presented by Laura Bonk and Brianna Ham, RFP Environmental
- Ham is an environmental scientist and project manager with RPF Environmental, with more than 10 years of experience in environmental health and safety consulting. She currently specializes in projects related to environmental investigations, indoor air quality, mold surveys and remediation, industrial hygiene assessments, and a variety of asbestos concerns.
- Mold or fungi is around us. Some indoor mold will cause health issues for building occupants. This webinar will review understanding fungi, causes, prevention, recognition, and evaluation.
- Register
Personally Liable in the Workplace
- March 29
- 9-10:15 am
- Presented by Amy Cann, Employment Law & Cybersecurity, McClane Middleton
- She has an extensive business background with over 20 years of experience as a Human Resources and Safety professional and as a business owner before becoming an attorney.
- While employers are generally directly or vicariously liable for any employment and safety violations, negligence, and misconduct by their employees, there are limited instances when supervisors or other individuals may become involved in lawsuit and be at risk of liability. The event will cover a few court cases, learn from others’ mistakes, and focus on risk management from both an organizational and personal standpoint for safety professionals and supervisors.
- Register
CONN-OSHA will host a number of virtual training sessions for employers.
Trenching & Excavation
- April 4
- 9-10:30 am
- Studies show excavation work is one of the most hazardous types of work done in the construction industry. Injuries from excavation work tend to be of a very serious nature and often result in fatalities. The primary concern in excavation-related work is a cave-in. Cave-ins are much more likely to be fatal to the employees involved than other construction-related accidents.
- The workshop will provide an overview of 29 CFR 1926.650 – 652, Excavations, including the role of the competent person.
- Registration is required
Fall Protection
- May 4
- 9-10:30 am
- Falls are among the most common causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths. OSHA requirements for the various fall protection options will be covered. The special requirements for scaffolding and residential construction will also be touched upon.
- Registration is required
For more information, contact CBIA’s Phillip Montgomery.
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