Accident-Clearing Bill Speeds Through Transportation Committee

Much has been said about imagining Connecticut’s transportation future, but for most commuters, improving travel on our roads and highways today would be just fine.
And that’s what a proposal from the legislature’s Transportation Committee aims to accomplish. The committee approved SB 481, which could provide some near-immediate relief to the traffic congestion woes of Connecticut’s commuters.
SB 481 requires the commissioners of Transportation, Emergency Services and Public Protection, and Energy and Environmental Protection to develop and implement an accident response plan—and continuously look for more ways to more efficiently clear congestion from, and causing, traffic accidents.
Getting accidents quickly and safely cleared off of roads is key to keeping traffic—and commerce—moving.
In a 2013 survey of Connecticut businesses, respondents said that traffic congestion was the state’s No. 1 transportation-related issue.
Programs in other states have had tremendous success in reducing accident clearance times. A similar program in Washington State in 2012 helped to clear more than 10,000 accidents with an average clearance time of 14 minutes.
More important, SB 481 bill is a good-government bill. Requiring the Department of Transportation to re-evaluate its accident response capabilities to find efficiencies on a yearly basis will keep Connecticut’s government streamlined and effective.
Moreover – it just might make your daily commute a little easier.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Eric Gjede at 860.244.1931 | | @egjede
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