Connecticut Made’ and ‘Treasures’ Bills Advance
The legislature’s Commerce Committee this week advanced proposals designed to increase the marketing of Connecticut or expand on last fall’s landmark bipartisan jobs bill.
Three separate bills contains measures that are also included a comprehensive one, SB 1, also in the Commerce Committee.
SB 75 requires DECD to establish and administer a “Connecticut Made” program to promote the marketing of products manufactured in the state. The proposal was sent to the Senate.
Under SB 76, the DECD, along with the Culture and Tourism Advisory Committee, to develop a “Connecticut Treasures” program to help boost tourism along with a curriculum requirement to ensure students are aware of these state “treasures.” The bill was sent to the Education Committee.
SB 77authorizes the state to administer grants that would help employers hire and train returning combat veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill was sent to the Labor Committee.
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