Energy Committee Wraps Up Work on Its Bills

In a notable example of legislative efficiency, the Energy and Technology Committee this week finalized work on a variety of proposals–nearly two weeks ahead of schedule.
The committee held two public hearings on approximately 30 bills, and ultimately approved about a dozen proposals after making changes that reflected concerns raised by the business community and others.
CBIA appreciates the bipartisan, collaborative, and efficient work of the entire committee, including its leadership, co-chairs Sen. Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) and Rep. Lonnie Reed (D-Branford); and ranking members Sen. Clark Chapin (R- New Milford), and Rep. Laura Hoydick (R- Stratford).
Among the bills of most interest to the business community are Energy and Technology Committee-approved measures that will:
- Increase transparency in consumers’ electricity bills, and clarify tax exemptions for clean energy investments (SB 2)
- Foster additional development of Class 1 renewable power (SB 353)
- Strengthen the ability of the Connecticut Green Bank to finance clean energy projects throughout the state (SB 357)
- Encourage development of energy-related technologies (SB 359)
CBIA supports all these measures.
We look forward to continuing to work with the Energy and Technology Committee through the remainder of the legislative session. The committee will continue to meet as bills from other committees are sent to it for review and consideration.
CBIA also encourages its members to stay engaged in the process as several of these proposals could impact Connecticut’s businesses and economy.
For additional detail on these and other bills, see CBIA’s Bill Tracker database.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Eric Brown at 860.244.1926 | | @CBIAericb
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