Energy Reform Negotiations Continue

With just a few weeks to go in the legislative session, lawmakers and the Malloy administration are still working to develop legislation that would reform and clarify Connecticut’s energy policy.
Key to the administration’s energy initiative is the creation of an office of energy policy within a new executive agency – the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), originally contained in HB 6386, which died in the Appropriations Committee.
Lawmakers drafted their own proposal, SB 1, which seeks to keep much of the authority for setting energy policy within the legislature.
The proposal also focuses state support for cleaner energy sources on solar, while the Governor and his DEP commissioner, Dan Esty, have said the state should not be in the business of picking winners and losers when it comes to alternative energy technologies.
The Governor’s proposal also included clear mission statements for both the energy and environmental components of the new DEEP.
These statements are important for ensuring clarity and consistency for the new agency that will transcend changing commissioners and administrations.
SB 1, however, does not include this mission-clarifying language – an omission that greatly concerns the business community and others.
SB 1 may or may not be the vehicle through which the creation of the DEEP and other issues are ultimately resolved. CBIA will continue to advocate energy policies that will lower costs, ensure reliability and promote environmentally sustainable and affordable innovation.
For more information, contact Eric Brown at 860.244.1926 or
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