Environment Committee Avoids Partisanship, Improves Regulatory Climate
The General Assembly’s Environment Committee continues to demonstrate that improving Connecticut’s regulatory climate is not a partisan issue.
As committee members begin considering bills referred from other committees, Democrats and Republicans are expressing support and opposition to specific proposals.
For example, this week the committee considered HB 7134, which prohibits the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection from unilaterally modifying or revoking an agreement between the agency and an entity accused of violating environmental regulations, known as a consent order.
Consent orders, by their nature, are based on agreement by two parties.
This legislation builds confidence into that process that DEEP will not unilaterally alter these agreements.
Committee members rejected a proposed amendment to the legislation, and then approved the bill.
Before each vote, Rep. Mike Demicco (D-Farmington), the committee co-chair, expressed his views on the proposals while encouraging members to cast their votes based on their own assessments.
As has been the case with similar bills voted on by the committee this year, results reflected the chair’s advice, with votes not necessarily falling along party lines.
CBIA supports the bill moving forward without amendment and appreciates the committee’s vote.
We also appreciate and respect the committee’s leadership for encouraging thoughtful debate and non-partisan consideration of these measures.
And we would be pleased to work with those opposing the measure to try and improve the bill to address their concerns.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Eric Brown (860.244.1926) | @CBIAericb
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