Focus at Capitol Must Stay on Economy

Last fall's special session was a good start in concentrating on jobs and the economy in Connecticut. Next up is the 2012 General Assembly where lawmakers must keep the focus on achieving a more competitive business climate.
CBIA’s 2012 Government Affairs Program is the business community’s plan for rebuilding Connecticut’s economic strength and competitiveness. Much work still needs to be done: The state is slowly recovering jobs lost during the recent recession, but other states are also improving and Connecticut cannot lose ground.
Key recommendations from CBIA include making state government more efficient, avoiding future deficits, and working with employers to create jobs and grow the state’s economy.
“It’s critical for Connecticut to show it can and will be business friendly,” says CBIA President and CEO John Rathgeber. “Policymakers and regulators must be open to the concerns and interests of employers and their ideas for moving the state forward.”
<p> 2012 priorities
CBIA’s legislative and regulatory priorities include:
- Improve Fiscal Policy, Reduce Business Costs: Keep the size and cost of state government within taxpayers’ means by making it more efficient and controlling the growth of spending; leverage state tax policy to help drive our economy.
- Prepare Our Future Workforce: Provide all young people with the education they need to be productive citizens and contributors to Connecticut’s economic competitiveness. [See story about the Governor’s Education Reform Workshop.]
- Modernize Infrastructures: Modernize Connecticut’s transportation infrastructures through prioritized investments and improve energy reliability in the state.
- Cut Red Tape: Reform regulatory policies to create economic growth and enable employers to increase jobs.
These priorities recognize both the state’s strengths and its weaknesses. For example, while Connecticut is home to a highly skilled, highly compensated workforce, numerous government mandates make business costs among the highest in the country.
In today’s dynamic, global economy, Connecticut has to become more competitive — just as other states are working hard to make their businesses more competitive.
Now it is time to move forward and recognize that strong businesses mean plentiful jobs, a thriving economy, and more opportunities for everyone.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Bonnie Stewart at 860.244.1925 or
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