Gov. Malloy Headlines Connecticut Business Day

Keynote remarks by Governor Malloy, updates from General Assembly leaders, breakout sessions on manufacturing and tourism, and lots of face-to-face time with state lawmakers are all on tap for Connecticut Business Day next Wednesday, March 6, at the Legislative Office Building.
Hundreds of business and chamber of commerce executives are expected to attend the morning-long event, starting with networking and registration at 7:30 am and wrapping up by 11:45 am. Connecticut Business Day is sponsored by CBIA and the Connecticut Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives. The event is free.
Register at
“You can’t underestimate the value of your presence at Business Day in the eyes of state policymakers,” said CBIA’s Bonnie Stewart, vice president, Government Affairs. “They want and need to hear directly from you as an employer on the issues that are impacting your business and your employees.”
Top Speakers
Governor Malloy will deliver his remarks at approximately 8:30 am and will be followed by a legislative panel with Senate and House leaders discussing state fiscal issues.
Manufacturing Caucus
One of the morning’s breakout sessions will focus on Connecticut manufacturing, with members of the legislature’s new Manufacturing Caucus.
Another breakout session will look at the impact of tourism in Connecticut, with legislative leaders and stakeholders from the tourism industry.
Legislator Meetings
Many of the participants also will meet with their local legislators to discuss issues specific to their areas.
For more information about Connecticut Business Day, contact CBIA’s Adam Ney at 860.244.1933 or
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