We Must Stop the Damage

Yesterday, over the warnings of CBIA, editorial writers throughout the state, and thousands of Connecticut taxpayers, the General Assembly approved a state budget that, if not modified, will send the state down a potentially devastating economic path.
We must stop the damage before it begins. We cannot stand by and watch an exodus of good jobs from Connecticut, which is far too likely to happen if this budget is enacted.
That is why we have officially requested Governor Malloy to meet with legislative leaders and CBIA to discuss reopening budget negotiations and reversing this dangerous course.
Throughout the budget battle, we cautioned policymakers that the spending and tax package was unaffordable, unsustainable, and untimely.
We carried this message in a major campaign that included face-to-face meetings with state lawmakers, phone banks with calls to legislators, seven weeks of radio ads, full-page ads in newspapers across the state, online digital ads, video spots on Twitter and Facebook, direct mail pieces sent to 200,000 households in dozens of state legislative districts, and countless television, radio, and newspaper interviews.
Despite these efforts, the budget was approved and its impact will reach into every community in this state and affect employers of every size and kind, from the local machine shop to the midsize office to the multinational corporation. It has already started causing businesses large and small to question the viability of Connecticut as a place in which to do business.
There is no doubt that Connecticut businesses are focused on succeeding and growing. The question now is where they will grow. These decisions will impact employees and their families, the communities they live in, and the worthy causes and civic organizations they support.
The unfortunate reality is, if this budget and tax package is enacted, it will seriously impair the ability of many businesses to succeed in Connecticut.
When the state legislature began work in January, the consensus priority for 2015 was to make Connecticut more competitive for jobs and economic growth. We have to reclaim that goal before it’s too late; and the clock is ticking.
We have told the governor that we are willing to roll up our sleeves and work with him and legislative leaders on solutions that will reverse this dangerous course and put Connecticut instead on a path of fiscal stability and economic growth.
We are fighting for you, your employees and families. And we need your help; we ask you to raise your voice with us.
Contact your legislators. Urge them to reopen the budget, find additional savings, and roll back the harmful tax increases.
Here are the phone numbers for the four legislative caucuses:
- Senate Democrats: 800.842.1420 (toll free) | 860.240.8600
- House Democrats: 800.842.8267 (toll free) | 860.240.8500
- Senate Republicans: 800.842.1421 (toll free) | 860.240.8800
- House Republicans: 800.842.1423 (toll free) | 860.240.8700
Time is short, so please call or email today. With your help, Connecticut will have a better and more promising future.
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