Workforce Development Bill Wins Unanimous House Approval

The state House unanimously approved legislation May 23 that bridges the gap between postsecondary education and employment in a number of key economic sectors.
HB 5441 features a series of workforce development measures, including initiatives addressing student loan costs.
The bill:
- Creates an 11-member task force to develop a plan to establish clinical placements at state facilities for nursing students at public and private higher education institutions;
- Requires the Department of Insurance commissioner to promote the development and growth of employment opportunities in the state’s insurance industry;
- Extends eligibility for the Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority’s Alliance District Teacher Loan Subsidy Program to paraeducators and counselors;
- Requires CHESLA to establish a police officer loan subsidy program to subsidize interest rates on CHESLA loans to eligible police officers employed in distressed municipalities;
- Expands a CHESLA loan subsidy program for specified healthcare professionals to also include emergency services professionals.
Loan Subsidy
CBIA advocated for the bill as the expansion of the CHESLA loan subsidy program aligns with the organization’s 2023 Transform Connecticut policy solutions.
“As the state continues to recover and rebuild after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to continue to maintain a competitive and attractive workplace for sectors experiencing some of the highest burnout rates,” CBIA’s Ashley Zane told the legislature’s Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee earlier this year.
“Student loan repayment benefits help lower the cost for struggling residents and increase opportunity for all communities who are tackling the high costs of living while pursuing pathways to rewarding and much-needed careers.”
Insurance Sector
CBIA also supports a provision requiring the insurance department to promote the industry in the state.
Connecticut’s insurance industry employs 70,396 skilled employees and contributes $22.3 billion to the state’s economy.
In addition, $193 billion in premiums were written by Connecticut domestic and non-domestic insurers in 2020.
Connecticut is the number one location for the industry in North America, with the highest concentration of actuaries according to a 2021 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics study.
With an aging workforce, new opportunities provided by work-from-home, and a changing landscape within the industry, it is critical that the department works to highlight opportunities in this sector, including actuarial science, financial services, information technology, cybersecurity, and other careers.
HB 5441 now awaits action in the state Senate.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Ashley Zane (860.244.1169) | @AshleyZane9.
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