Working for (More) Jobs

As Connecticut prepared for the latest jobs report, news from UConn was that university president Susan Herbst is establishing a new vice presidency for economic development that will “work with all kinds of industries and disciplines to create jobs and fuel the economy.”
With Governor Malloy continuing to travel the state to gather momentum for job creation, it’s good to see UConn’s new president taking up the urgent, “all-hands-on-deck” approach to restoring economic growth in Connecticut.
A well-educated, highly skilled workforce has long been a strategic advantage for our state, and our colleges and universities have to play key roles in preserving—and increasing—that competitive edge. Herbst is casting a wider vision for the university and its new economic development office. She says it will be accountable for “How many companies did [it] help bring to Connecticut? How many companies did [it] help start up?”
As we wrote recently, there are serious efforts being made to improve how state government works with the business community. Building a healthier, more robust business climate in Connecticut is imperative to seeing more jobs created in the state.
When the legislature returns for a jobs session this fall, lawmakers must keep the momentum going.
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