Opening Doors: Students Prepare for ‘Next Step’

As a dispatcher for Cooperative Systems, Tatiana Watson makes sure customers are assigned to the appropriate technician.
“For it being my first job, it doesn’t feel like a job,” says Watson.
“I like the challenge. And I like the fact that it’s not always easy, but it’s always a space where you can learn.”
Watson first connected with the IT company thanks to ReadyCT’s Student 5.0 program.
Student 5.0 supports high school seniors navigating their next steps after graduation.
Student 5.0
The program features help with career research, college or training program enrollment, internship opportunities, resume writing, and job readiness skills.
Watson said she first heard about the program while she was a student at the Academy of International Studies in Bloomfield.
“Tatiana actually found out about us through a community event that she attended,” said Student 5.0 director Nailah Abdul-Rahman.
Student 5.0 supports high school seniors navigating their next steps after graduation.
“We hosted a boot camp last year at our office where students from any school district were able to attend.”
Watson said she spoke with Abdul-Rahman about her interest in the tech field.
“She brought up this opportunity for me to work at Cooperative Systems,” Watson said.
‘Next Step’
Through the Student 5.0 program, Watson received an internship at the company.
“She did an excellent job, she was a perfect fit,” said Cooperative Systems director of human resources Diane Smith.
“And as a matter of fact, we really wanted to bring her on board after internship.”
“They were really nurturing us and building us up in what the workplace will look like.”
Cooperative Systems’ Tatiana Watson
Smith said the skills that Watson received from Ready CT were crucial in preparing her for her role.
“They were really nurturing us and building us up in what the workplace will look like, what an interview would look like, how to build your career,” Watson said.
“I felt like I was ready for the next step,” she added. “The jump wasn’t too big of a jump, but it still was a jump for me.”
Creating a Bridge
Smith said working with ReadyCT has been benefits not only for the students, but for employers as well.
“I couldn’t be any happier to have this partnership with them and this relationship,” added Smith.
Cooperative Systems founder and CEO Bob DeLisa said the partnerships between businesses and organizations like ReadyCT are critical for developing the next generation of the workforce.
“What creative ways can we work together on to create a bridge?”
Cooperative Systems’ Bob DeLisa
DeLisa sits on the Industry Advisory Board for ReadyCT’s Computer Science Pathway at Bulkeley High School.
“There’s a big gap between the high school, and what you learn in high school, and what you learn even in college or community college for that matter, to applying that to a job,” he said.
“What creative ways can we work together on to create a bridge? And that’s what we’re trying to do.”
Following Through
Abdul-Rahman said a big part of Watson’s success with Student 5.0 and at Cooperative Systems was that she took ownership of her opportunity, and followed through.
“Being able to elevate the stories of people who took Student 5.0 seriously, I think will one, get more employers engaged,” she said.
“But it will also help young people understand that if you stick with it, that you can have results that you’re really happy with.”
“Go for it,” added Watson. “Take the chance.”
“By taking that chance, by taking that risk you learn more about yourself and learn more about what kind of person you want to be.”
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