Connecticut’s Economic Blues

How do Connecticut voters feel about the state’s economy? Glum, according to the results of the latest Quinnipiac Poll.
Only 19 percent of those surveyed described the state’s economy as good, while 79 percent said it was poor or “not so good.”
That’s a sentiment that hasn’t changed much in recent years [see above figure]. And when coupled with the state’s uncertain jobs picture, it’s fair to assume voter confidence in the direction of the state is fragile, at best.
Pessimistic forecast
When asked whether economic conditions would improve over the next 12 months, less than a third (29%) responded yes, 56 percent said things would stay the same, and 14 percent said they would get worse.
That pessimism is shared across all age groups, while those with college degrees and higher incomes tended to be slightly more optimistic.
Sixty percent of voters said they were dissatisified with the direction of the state, while just 39 percent said they were satisfied.
The legislature
The Q-Poll found that almost half of Connecticut voters (49 percent) disapproved of the state legislature’s performance.
Less than a third (32 percent) approved of the way state lawmakers handled their jobs, while 20 percent had no opinion.
More than half (56 percent) disapproved of state government’s handling of the economy, while 64 percent disagreed with current tax policies (last year, the General Assembly passed the largest income tax increase in the state’s history).
Personal finances
While 54 percent described the state of their personal finances as good, 41 percent of those surveyed said they were worse off than a year ago, compared with the 31 percent who said they were better off financially.
And 60 percent expect their personal financial situation to remain the same over the next 12 months, with 25 percent saying it would improve, and 14 percent saying it would worsen.
The poll was based on a telephone survey of 1,745 voters from April 18 to 23 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points.
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