DEEP Announces Green Circle Award Winners

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) recognized thirty-seven Connecticut civic organizations, individuals and businesses for their environmental efforts at a GreenCircle awards ceremony held last Friday.
“This program marks the thirteenth anniversary of the GreenCircle awards program which celebrates voluntary efforts, both large and small, that make a difference in our state of Connecticut,” Commissioner Esty said at the event. “Through this program DEEP is able to recognize environmental achievements of individuals, civic organizations, businesses and schools for their impact on the quality of life in Connecticut.”
Since the Agency launched the GreenCircle Award Program in 1998, approximately 1000 entities have been recognized for more than 1425 projects that have made a real difference in preserving natural resources and protecting the quality of the state’s air, water and lands.
Several CBIA members received GreenCircle Awards. They are listed below (alpha by town) with a brief description of why they were recognized.
OGS Technologies, Inc., of Cheshire was recognized for reducing the amount of water consumed in rinsewaters associated with plating and cleaning operations. Working in conjunction with OGC’s Quality Control Manager, a reduction of rinsewater flow rates was achieved with no adverse impact to the quality of products produced.
S&S Worldwide, located in Colchester, held their 3rd Annual “Clean to the Green” event. They enrolled between 50 and 75 participants to walk the town of Colchester and pick up all visible trash.
Danbury-based Branson Ultrasonics Corporation replaced inefficient facility air compressor with a 50 HP, energy efficient, variable speed drive unit designed to save 112,185 kwh/year of electricity consumption.
Spirol International Corporation located in Danielson, began restoration to a polluted site to encourage replenishment of native wildlife and fauna. Former lagoons were transformed into a one-half mile walking trail bordered by the Five Mile River and Whetstone Brook. Spirol employees erected bird houses which are now inhabited by Eastern Bluebirds.
The Durham Manufacturing Company of Durham implemented a program and placed waste containers throughout the facility (both offices and factory) to collect copy paper, colored paper (i.e. catalogs, etc.) bottles and recyclables. These containers are taken to the local transfer station and placed in the recycle bins.
Pratt & Whitney (P&W) undertook a corporate initiative to reduce chemicals discharged into the Connecticut River. Over the last two years, P&W in East Hartford implemented process and procedural changes to reduce the discharge of target metals used in their processes.
The J.F. Fredericks Tool Co., Inc., has implemented and completed two successful environmental programs for the year 2010/2011. The first is a recycling program to eliminate the abundance of stored x-rays. The second is the installation of a bioremediating parts cleaner/degreaser. The company is located in Farmington.
NRG Energy, Inc., based in Middletown, through its econrg program, promotes an ongoing and extensive environmental business effort targeted at reducing NRG’s environmental footprint. The program seeks ways to meet the challenges of climate change, clean air and the protection of
our natural resources.
Schick Manufacturing, Inc., has implemented a facility wide recycling program which has dramatically increased the amount of waste materials recycled at the Milford site. Partnering with their recycler “A Greener Solution,” Schick recycled 4.8 million pounds of scrap material and increased the recycling rate from 39% in 2009 to 89% in 2010.
Philson Inc., located in Watertown, for the past nine years, on or near Earth Day, initiates and sponsors the Annual Steele Brook River Clean-Up.
Sterling Engineering Corporation in Winsted, began implementation of a documented environmental management system. Sterling’s ISO 14001 based environmental management system (EMS) documentation includes policies, procedures and appropriate operational controls for effective management of the activities and procesess related to precision machining.
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