Hartford HealthCare Opens New Headquarters

At the corner of Pearl and Trumbull streets in downtown Hartford, one of the state’s largest healthcare organizations is working to improve the city’s economy while reimagining healthcare.
Hartford HealthCare officially opened the doors of its new headquarters Nov. 17 before a standing room only crowd of hundreds of employees, city, and business leaders.
President Jeffrey Flaks said approximately 700 people will work in the 110,000-square-foot space.
The building houses his office, as well as other executive offices, including the investment, treasury, marketing, and legal teams.
“This was built with the idea to reignite Hartford, to bring the people we do business with from around the country and around the state here to Hartford,” Flaks said.
Flaks said Hartford HealthCare’s purpose goes beyond delivering great healthcare, and the team was proud to be a partner with so many businesses to help reinvigorate the capital city.
“We had a choice where we put our headquarters and we put it here for a reason because the capital city needs to be successful.”
Hartford HealthCare’s Jeffrey Flaks
“We have to build our clinical offices where people are, and they are built all over the state for a good reason,” Flaks said.
“But we had a choice where we put our headquarters and we put it here for a reason because the capital city needs to be successful.”
Transforming Healthcare
The building is transparent in its design, with fewer walls than windows, and décor that represents Hartford HealthCare’s work with murals, color, and curved lines.
“As people working for Hartford HealthCare, we’re not going to color inside the lines, we’re going to change where the lines are because we are going to transform healthcare,” Flaks said.
With their eye on creating the future of healthcare, Flaks said the team is made up of innovators.
He called out a number of projects and companies employees created within the walls of the hospital system.
A special space in the new headquarters is dedicated to innovation.
Students that are part of Trinity College and Hartford HealthCare’s Launc[H] healthcare accelerator program will have full access to a portion of the building.
“The companies coming out of the healthcare accelerator will be building their companies here, in Hartford, and we will use the sandbox of Hartford HealthCare to ultimately create more organizations, more jobs, more taxpayers, more people using our services, and more healthcare world class services here locally,” Flaks said.
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