OSHA, Safety Equipment Group Form Alliance

OSHA and the International Safety Equipment Association have signed an alliance to provide members, employers, and employees with information on how to properly select, use, maintain, and store personal protective and safety equipment.
During the two-year agreement, participants will also share information on developments in national consensus standards for personal protective and safety equipment.
ISEA is a nonprofit trade association for protective equipment and technology that helps employees work safely in hazardous environments.
The association has partnered with OSHA to share information on agency campaigns, such as the National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, Heat Illness Prevention, and Safe + Sound Week.
ISEA also donated personal protective equipment for workers and volunteers during cleanup efforts following hurricanes in Texas and Puerto Rico.
OSHA Alliance Program
Through its Alliance Program, OSHA fosters collaborative relationships with groups committed to worker safety and health, such as trade and professional organizations, unions, consulates, faith- and community-based organizations, businesses, and educational institutions, to prevent workplace fatalities, injuries, and illnesses.
Alliance partners help OSHA reach targeted audiences, such as employers and workers in high-hazard industries, and give them better access to workplace safety and health tools and information.
On Feb. 17, 2017, CBIA and OSHA signed a two-year agreement forming an alliance to provide CBIA members and others with occupational safety information, guidance, and training.
The new partnership emphasizes reducing and preventing exposure to falls and struck-by, caught-in-between, and electrical hazards, as well as increasing understanding of worker rights and employer responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Register today for CBIA’s New OSHA Silica & Beryllium Standards workshop, Sept. 12, 2018, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the CBIA Conference Center in Hartford.
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