Routine Checks for Fire Prevention

“Change your clocks, change your batteries!” is a phrase the National Fire Protection Association has drilled into homeowners and renters for decades.
It is also a good time for business leaders to do a routine check of the sprinkler systems in a company building.
“It’s equally important for a company that is not the building’s tenant to take time to do this.”
CBIA’s Phillip Montgomery
“It’s equally important for a company that is not the building’s tenant to take time to do this,” CBIA’s compensation services and safety director Phillip Montgomery said.
“Companies often do not take the time to check with the landlord or do their own periodic check of their sprinkler systems, which results in disastrous consequences when a fire occurs and the sprinkler malfunctions.”
Fire Sprinkler Systems
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health offers various suggestions to reduce the number of fire incidents within workplaces.
The most important step for employers is ensuring the fire sprinkler system is functioning properly.
A fire sprinkler system is a type of automatic extinguishing system that prevents fire growth. The system automatically releases water once the surrounding area reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Commercial structures, like warehouses and office buildings, are required to have fire sprinkler systems.
The buildings often have furniture, lumber and other products that are highly flammable. With a functioning system, the sprinklers can help reduce the risk for firefighters arriving on scene.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Phillip Montgomery (860.244.1982).
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