State Launches Healthcare Cost Estimator

Year after year, the cost of health insurance becomes a greater concern for businesses large and small.
While the ever-increasing cost of premiums straps the employers, employees are left to cover the often unpredictable copayments for the care they receive.
In an effort to enhance cost and quality transparency around provider services, the state Office of Health Strategy has launched the Healthscore CT cost estimator.
The tool lets users to compare procedure costs at Connecticut hospitals and provider networks by allowing consumers and providers to search, sort, and filter by location, health measures, provider, network quality rating, and cost through an interactive website.
Healthscore CT is powered by information from the state’s All-Payer Claims Database, to which every Connecticut-regulated insurer and pharmacy benefit manager is required to submit data.
Federal Grant
The estimator tool will be continuously updated to reflect new APCD data, while expanding to include additional cost and quality measures.
The cost data range reflects the payments made by insurers for particular inpatient and outpatient procedures.
The cost estimator tool is supported by a $45 million federal grant from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation.
Vicki Veltri, the executive director of the Office of Health Strategy said that “insurance plans have different deductibles and copays, so we urge people to use the Healthscore CT cost estimator as a starting point.”
Legislators from both sides of the aisle voiced their support for this initiative, saying healthcare cost and quality transparency should be a bipartisan priority going forward.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Michelle Rakebrand (860.244.1921) | @MRakebrand
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