‘Turbo-Filing’ Coming to DEEP

In an effort to create more efficient, user-friendly registration and filing experiences for businesses, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is preparing for the release this fall of a new online system similar to popular tax preparation software products.
With the new step-by-step system, businesses will not only be able to file online but also track the status of their filings and get email notifications about them.
In addition, as companies begin to answer preliminary questions, the program will customize the remaining inputs–prompting only for additional information needed for that facility based on earlier answers.
And when the form needs to be renewed in the future, the program will “pre-populate” the company’s basic information so that it need not be reentered into the system.
DEEP is first making this opportunity available to companies regulated under the Underground Storage Tank program as well as its Industrial and Construction Storm Water General Permit programs. Over time, the agency plans to refine and expand the system to other regulatory programs as well.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Eric Brown at 860.244.1926 or eric.brown@cbia.com.
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