AT&T Names John Emra Atlantic Region President

AT&T has appointed John Emra as president of the company’s Atlantic region.
Emra, who lives in Fairfield, is currently the president of the New England region.
“The Atlantic Region is home to the financial, cultural and political hubs of our country. It is a region as diverse as it is vibrant,” said Emra.
“I look forward to expanding upon the important work that we have been doing across the Atlantic Region, and building upon our partnerships with government, business, and civic leaders.”
A former member of CBIA’s board of directors, Emra was named AT&T’s Connecticut president in 2013, and has served as New England president since 2020.
AT&T’s Atlantic Region includes the six New England states and New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
Emra began his career at AT&T in September 2001, serving as regional vice president for external and legislative affairs in Connecticut.
AT&T is a chief supporter of Connecticut Business Day, which brings hundreds of employers to the state Capitol annually to engage with legislators.
“John is a strong supporter of business growth in our state and brings thoughtful, solutions-focused ideas to the table,” CBIA president and CEO Chris DiPentima said.
“He is one of Connecticut’s most respected business leaders and sets an example, as AT&T is a great corporate citizen for communities around Connecticut.”
Emra volunteers his time with a number of organizations, including serving on the boards of CAPA Connecticut, the Connecticut Technology Council, and the Southern Connecticut State University Foundation.
He is also an adjunct professor of communication at Fairfield University.
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