Committee Approves State Manufacturing Director Bill
The Connecticut legislature’s Commerce Committee unanimously approved a bill March 19 creating a state manufacturing director.
SB 855 calls on the governor to appoint a director charged with:
- Defining strategic goals and objectives for advancing manufacturing growth
- Ensuring state and federal investments for the advancement of manufacturing are aligned with the strategic goals and objectives
- Enhancing statewide coordination, collaboration and partnership among public, private and nonprofit entities
- Establishing systems for regularly measuring the effectiveness of investments against measurable objectives and recommending changes as necessary
CBIA’s Eric Brown, who coordinates policy for the Connecticut Manufacturers’ Collaborative, said state government lacks someone to set and accomplish strategic goals that quickly address the workforce crisis and other critical manufacturing needs.
Brown told the committee earlier in the session the position will ensure that “the most critical component for success, as identified by the manufacturers themselves, will be realized with dramatic and positive outcomes to soon follow.”
The measure now goes to the state Senate.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Eric Brown (860.944.8792) | @CBIAericb
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