GOP Lawmakers Offer State Budget Option

Connecticut House and Senate Republicans this week released an “Alternative No-Tax Increase” budget proposal.
Among other things, the plan cuts $1.5 billion from the budget proposal Gov. Malloy made in February by consolidating more agencies and job functions and eliminating a variety of positions.
Included in the GOP alternative budget is the adoption ofideas from the bipartisan Commission on Enhancing Agency Outcomes to reduce the number of managerial positions in state government.
The Republicans’ plan would do this by increasing the manager-to-employee ratio in state government from one manager for every six employees to one manager to every 12 employees.
<p> More than $46 million in savings would come from consolidating state agencies from 36 to nine.
In addition, the plan calls for savings in Medicaid and numerous other programs to achieve the $1.5 billion in savings.
Other economies in the Republican’s budget include an end to longevity payments to state employees and the elimination of public funding of political campaigns.
The Republicans also count on the $2 billion in savings over two years from the concessions being sought by Gov. Malloy from state employee unions. And the plan includes keeping the $500 property tax credit and preserving municipal aid at current levels.
Although it appears that agreement was reached by majority Democrats on a new two-year budget, there is much in the Republicans' budget that should be reviewed going forward, because many of the recommendations substantively address Connecticut’s ongoing fiscal crisis.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Bonnie Stewart at 860.244.1925 or
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