Workers’ Comp Update: Medical Cost Bill in Focus
CBIA recently testified before the Labor Committee in support of SB 61, which would require hospitals to use an equitable service fee schedule for workers' comp medical cases.
It’s a solution that’s fair to both employers and hospitals for the treatment of work-related injuries or illnesses—all other hospital medical services use a fee schedule, for example.
And as Time magazine last year noted, hospitals routinely charge more—often 10 times more–than their actual costs for medical services. But a recent ruling by the state Workers’ Compensation Commission will allow them to make those charges.
At a time when Connecticut businesses’ workers’ compensation costs are already rising, SB 61 will help stop an unreasonable surge in workers’ compensation hospital fees.
Informational Forum
An informational forum on workers’ compensation will be held on Wednesday, March 5 at 11 am in the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. The public forum will be hosted by Sen. Cathy Osten, co-chair of the Labor Committee.
The purpose of the forum is to explore improvements to the system that are equitable to all involved–employers, employees, hospitals, and insurers.
For more information, contact Faith Gavin Kuhn at
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