Clear Message from Voters: Make Economy, Fiscal Stability Top Priorities
The results of today’s Quinnipiac Poll show that Connecticut voters share the same concerns consistently voiced by the business community, CBIA said today.
“The message coming from Connecticut voters could not be clearer – improving our economy and getting the state’s fiscal house in order have to be the top priorities of state government,” said Joe Brennan, CBIA president & CEO.
“The reality is that you can’t have one without the other.
“You need business confidence to grow the economy, you can’t have that without predictability and stability.
“And the only way to solve our problems is through fiscal discipline, not tax increases.”
Of the respondents surveyed, 80% rate the Connecticut as not so good or poor, and the majority feel that it’s getting worse.
The survey also found that 74% feel it’s difficult to find a job in the state.
“The General Assembly must work to make the state more economically competitive and stabilize state finances without resorting to harmful tax increases.
“With this being an election year, voters must insist that the candidates explain their plans to do just that, and to support only those who will commit to making Connecticut’s economic improvement their top priority.”
“Once elected, voters must hold legislators accountable for their actions, remind them of campaign promises to turn the state around, and stay engaged in the legislative process.
“Only when we make the economy a top priority will we start to see the kind of growth and investment that our state needs to bring back voter confidence.”
CBIA is Connecticut’s largest business organization, with thousands of member companies, small and large, representing a diverse range of industries from every part of the state. For more information, contact Meaghan MacDonald (860.244.1957).
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