CBIA Response to December 2023 Employment Report

The state’s largest business organization issued the following response to today’s release of the December 2023 employment report.
“Obviously, this is a frustrating end to what really was a promising year for job growth,” said CBIA president and CEO Chris DiPentima.
“Connecticut employers added 22,700 jobs in 2023—at 1.4%, just off the national growth rate—and there continues to be significant demand for our products and services.
“The job openings are here—we now have approximately 1.2 job openings for every unemployed person—what we need are the people to fill them.
“However, Connecticut’s labor force—those working and those actively looking for work—declined another 14,300 people last year and is down 37,900 people since February 2020.
“We must attract more people to the state and that means renewed focus on making Connecticut a more attractive and affordable place to live and work.
“CBIA will continue to advocate for solutions to the labor shortage during the upcoming legislative session.
“Opportunity is central to those solutions—we cannot solve the crisis without improving and implementing career pathways for women, immigrants, returning citizens, veterans, and those from underserved and often forgotten communities.”
CBIA is Connecticut’s largest business organization, with thousands of member companies, small and large, representing a diverse range of industries from every part of the state. For more information, please contact Scott Beaulieu (860.244.1929).
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