Hiring Increase Projected for College Class of 2017

Employers expect to bump up their hiring of new college graduates for U.S. positions, according to new report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Overall, employers taking part in NACE’s annual Job Outlook survey reported they would hire 5.8% more new college graduates from the class of 2017 than they hired from the class of 2016.
In comparison, last year at this time employers projected an 11% increase for 2016 graduates, although that increase dropped to just above 5% in a later update.
More than half of responding employers (52%) reported plans to maintain their college hiring at last year’s levels, and that plays a key role in the lackluster nature of the current projected increase.
While the overall increase reflects a relatively flat market, most of the responding employers characterized the job market for 2017 graduates as “good” or better.
At the bachelor’s degree level, graduates with degrees in business, engineering, and computer/information sciences are expected to be most in demand.
NACE will update college hiring projections in April.
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