Rule Aims to Improve Job Services to Vets
The DOL’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) has proposed a rule establishing a uniform threshold performance level to be applied to state grantees that provide employment services to veterans.
The national threshold will apply to those state grantees responsible for serving veterans under the Wagner-Peyser State Grants and the Jobs for Veterans State Grants, but not to employment services provided through state and local agency grants under the Workforce Investment Act.
The DOL proposes to first identify those state agencies whose performance on behalf of veterans is to undergo further review. The agency will then conduct a comprehensive review of the operations and outcomes of those state agencies, taking into account economic conditions and other key factors that vary by state.
If the review determines that the performance of a state grantee is deficient, the draft rule requires that the grantee prepare a corrective action plan, with technical assistance provided by VETS. The corrective action plan will be submitted to DOL for approval.
The proposed rule allows 60 days for public comments, which are due not later than April 19, 2011. To access the rule:
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