Connecticut Ranked Sixth for Energy Efficiency

Connecticut remains one of the most energy efficient states in the nation, according to a new report from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.
ACEEE ranks Connecticut sixth in its latest annual ranking of state energy efficiency policies and programs.
The state fell one spot from last year in the rankings, overtaken by New York after the council awarded Connecticut 36.5 points out of a possible 50.
ACEEE linked that fall to state lawmakers diverting $117 million in 2017 from a fund meant to support energy efficiency programs. Revenue for that fund comes from a charge on ratepayer utility bills.
The council had warned the funding raid would impact efficiency savings, with Connecticut’s net incremental energy efficiency savings falling to 1.37% of retail sales in 2018, down from 1.62%.
Massachusetts leads all states in efficiency savings, at 2.82% of retail sales.
Declining Spending
ACEEE also said the state’s rank was impacted by declining spending for efficiency programs—now 2.46%, down from 3.08%.
ACEEE does count Connecticut among what it calls the “leading and trending states,” noting the Lamont administration’s initiative to reduce state government’s carbon footprint.
ACEEE does count Connecticut among what it calls the ‘leading and trending states.’
Massachusetts ranked first for the ninth consecutive year, followed by California, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New York.
Maryland (7th), Minnesota (8th), Oregon (9th), and Washington (10th) rounded out the top 10 states. Maryland was rated the most improved state after last year’s 10th place finish.
Wyoming ranked last among the states, with North Dakota, West Virginia, Louisiana, and South Dakota rounding out the bottom five.
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