What’s the State of Connecticut Manufacturing?

How is Connecticut’s critical manufacturing sector weathering the coronavirus pandemic?
What’s the outlook for manufacturing? Are companies growing or contracting?
Are manufacturers hiring? Can they find the skilled workers they need?
Join us October 23 at the Made in Connecticut: 2020 Manufacturing Summit, made possible with the generous support of TD Bank, to hear the answers to those questions and more.
We’ll release the results of our annual Connecticut Manufacturing Report, produced in collaboration with Stanley Black & Decker, featuring critical insights into sector, with manufacturing leaders speaking to those issues.
HABCO Industries president and CEO Brian Montanari, Pfizer senior director Robert Noack, RSCC Wire & Cable vice president Rina Patel, and Graham Robinson, president of Stanley Industrial, will also speak to those issues and challenges.
Manufacturing Climate
CBIA’s Chris DiPentima and Eric Brown will discuss navigating those challenges with CONNSTEP president and CEO Bonnie Del Conte and ReadyCT executive director Shannon Marimón.
TD Bank’s Michael LaBella will look at Connecticut’s manufacturing climate and his colleague Steve Litchfield will present the annual CBIA/CONNSTEP manufacturing awards.
And we’ll wrap things up with an in-depth discussion featuring chief manufacturing officer Colin Cooper, Department of Economic and Community Development commissioner David Lehman, Connecticut Workforce Development Unit executive director Kelli-Marie Vallieres, and the Department of Labor’s Kurt Westby.
The Made in Connecticut: 2020 Manufacturing Summit, is free for CBIA members and CONNSTEP clients. Regular admission is $25.
The Made in Connecticut: 2020 Manufacturing Summit is made possible through the generous support of TD Bank.
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