HR Hotline: Is Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Required for Seasonal Workers?

Q: We recently hired several seasonal employees. We don’t anticipate that they’ll work past the summer months. Do we have to give them the state-mandated sexual harassment training?
A: While it’s a good idea to give anti-harassment training to as many employees as possible, Connecticut law does not require an employer to provide training to employees who work for the company for fewer than six months.
Keep in mind that Connecticut employers with three or more employees are required to:
- Post at the workplace information concerning the illegality of sexual harassment and the remedies available to victims
- Provide each employee, not later than three months after their start date, a copy of such information via email, or by posting the information on the company website
- Provide two hours of sexual harassment training and education to employees within six months of their hire date
Employers with fewer than three employees are only required to train their supervisors.
The deadline to conduct all sexual harassment training was postponed several times during the pandemic, with the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities eventually giving employers until April 29, 2021 to comply.
CHRO provides free, online training courses that comply with state law.
HR problems? Email or call CBIA’s Diane Mokriski at the HR Hotline (860.244.1900) | @HRHotline.
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