Government Imposter Scam Resurfaces

State officials are renewing a warning for Connecticut businesses about an “ongoing potential government imposter scam.”
Attorney General William Tong, Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas, Commissioner of Banking Jorge Perez, and Commissioner of Consumer Protection Bryan Cafferelli alerted businesses Jan. 19 to a company called CT UCC Statement Service.
Officials say the company is sending notices to businesses, attempting to get them to pay $90 for a copy of a Uniform Commercial Code report.
They say the notices look like they’re from the government, but the company has no affiliation with the state.
Tong and Thomas issued a similar warning last year.
“This company has zero affiliation with the State of Connecticut and there is no need to pay for their useless services,” said Attorney General William Tong.
A UCC form documents that a creditor has a lien on a borrower’s personal property.
Businesses can access them for free on the secretary of the state’s website.
Targeting Businesses
Officials say the company is targeting businesses that recently obtained loans or other extensions of credit.
“Scammers pay attention to when filing deadlines for businesses are looming and then try to take advantage of a stressful and busy time for business owners by asking them to pay for services that are actually free,” Cafferelli said.
Businesses are urged to look for mailings or notices that include terms like “IMPORTANT,” “OPEN IMMEDIATELY,” or “TIME SENSITIVE.”
“If you receive this letter, do not respond.”
Attorney General William Tong
Officials say scammers use those terms to create a false sense of urgency.
“If you receive this letter, do not respond. If you have paid any money to this business, please file a complaint with my office,” Tong said.
To report a scam or fraud, businesses can file a complaint to the attorney general’s office.
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