2018 Survey of Connecticut Businesses

CBIA’s 17th annual Survey of Connecticut Businesses—made possible this year through the generous support of Marcum LLP—coincides with what is arguably one of the most critical election campaigns in the state’s history.
We asked business leaders about the key issues in this year’s races, with voters heading to the polls this November to elect a new governor and determine the makeup of Connecticut’s next General Assembly.
What should be the top priority for the state’s next governor and legislature?
Do business leaders approve of policymakers’ handling of the economy and job creation?
How will the state of the economy impact how business leaders will vote this fall?
This year’s survey was distributed to top business executives around the state in June and July, following a legislative session where the Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth’s broad reform recommendations found little traction.
We sampled business leaders’ opinions about the legislature’s management of the economy, the state’s business climate, whether policymakers are focused appropriately, and what issues will determine how they vote this November.
The survey also measures business performance over the last year and the outlook for the state and U.S. economies in the next 12 months, the factors that are driving or hampering growth, hiring and investment trends, and the impact of federal tax and trade policies.
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