Emergency Planning

Emergency Preparedness & Response
Emergencies create a variety of hazards for workers in the impacted area. OSHA provides a range of online resources with information for businesses and for workers who will respond to emergencies.
The information applies to a wide variety of emergency preparedness and response incidents, including natural disasters, specific threats such as bio hazards, terrorist attacks, chemical hazards, oil spills, pandemic influenza, and radiation.
OSHA also provides requirements for developing an emergency action plan as required by federal standards. An EAP facilitates and organizes employer and employee actions during workplace emergencies.
Well developed emergency plans and proper employee training (such that employees understand their roles and responsibilities within the plan) will result in fewer and less severe employee injuries and less structural damage to the facility during emergencies
Preparing for a Terrorist Attack
The U.S. Department of Labor offers homeland security emergency preparedness information, including some commonsense principles on how to prepare for and react to a terrorist incident.
The fact sheet provides steps to help organizations in planning.
Protecting the Workplace
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security publish a series of posters and a brochure that offer guidance on how to protect workplaces from physical and cyber threats. The posters include.
Fire Service Operations
OSHA’s Fire Service Features manual outlines ways to increase the safety of building occupants and emergency responders, explaining how fire service operations can be influenced by different building features.
Poorly located fire hydrants, inaccessible fire department connections, confusing zone information, unmarked valves, or improperly designed standpipes are examples of features that can slow fire service operations.
Air Filter Systems
Guidance on selecting and using air filtration and air cleaning systems to protect occupants of business and government buildings from chemical, biological or radiological attacks has been issued by federal Heath and Human Services (HHS).
The guidance is intended for building designers, engineers, and others who make the technical decisions regarding the air systems in buildings such as offices, retail facilities, schools, transportation terminals, indoor malls and sports arenas.
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